6 March 2024
Fluent Team Photo

Announcing Fluent’s $7.5M Fundraise

Rob Van Den Bergh Profile PictureRobert Van Den Bergh

Fluent Fundraise of $7.5M with Hoxton Ventures and Tiferes Ventures

Fluent Platform with clarification flow to generate an answer

We launched Fluent in 2022, driven by the belief that business intelligence tools were not adequately serving business users. These tools often require a deep understanding of SQL and data structures for users to effectively generate insights and explore data. Feedback from the amazing Fluent community highlighted that this complexity resulted in data teams spending approximately 40% of their time manually fielding questions from across their organisations.

Fluent was developed to provide non-technical team members with a user-friendly interface, simplifying the process of querying data and integrating data-driven insights into their decision-making processes. In doing this, we’ve been able to help the data teams of our early adopters to shift their focus from answering ad hoc questions to working on the deeper analysis that can be transformative to their businesses.

Whether it is a question about a particular client, a new feature launched or the financial performance of a division, Fluent is there to answer it and in the last two years, we have landed flagship clients, including Bain & Company, to help them democratise data accessibility.

Fluent Slack Integration: ask a question in plain English and generate an insight

Ian Weber, Partner at Bain & Company, comments: “Fluent’s platform has helped us leverage LLMs to interrogate and deliver insights from large complex datasets. Fluent allows our non-technical users to quickly get the answers they need efficiently and accurately, especially for questions too complex or specific for pre-built data dashboards. We’re excited to explore how Fluent can help our clients better access data and insights in the future.”

With this raise, we’re currently building out our engineering team, so if you are interested in working on the bleeding-edge of AI and want to solve problems that can have an impact on every corner of the world, get in touch!

Thanks for your support so far,

Rob, Cam, Gökçen, Mustapha, Chris, Dana, Mingkit, Jake, Sarah, Will and David